Monday, June 29, 2009

What's that word?

I'm your good time girl. I don't mean that I sleep around and drink too much. Well, I don't have too much to drink very often. I mean, I'm the friend that is there for the fun times and bail when times get hard. Your mom died? Shit, that's too bad, hey, give me a call when you're over it. Sorry to hear about the cutbacks at work, you want a beer?

I sound like a bitch don't I? I kind of am a bitch.

More than just being a bitch, I don't deal well with sadness. When I'm sad I want to avoid acknowledging those feelings. Let's go out. Let's hit the river.

You would think being raised in the Dutch Protastant tradition I would be all about, what's that word, like Snuffleupagus, but with the fraud, I don't know, geez...

Schadenfreude. That's it. Taking pleasure in the misery of others. You would think being raised in the Dutch Protastant tradition I would be all about schadenfreude, but it's not my thing.

I've confused you. What does a religous denomination have to do with misery and what? I think the protastant like to see you get what's coming to you, to see God punish you on earth. Who was I reading the other day? They suggested Catholics had purgatory and eventually got to heaven, but us Protestants had earth, and our reward was heaven.